Hoffelt Happenings
Stumbling Off the Rollercoaster
First of all, it's been way too long since I've written. I've been fully immersed in the business and haven't been taking time for myself to breathe and reflect. I...
Stumbling Off the Rollercoaster
First of all, it's been way too long since I've written. I've been fully immersed in the business and haven't been taking time for myself to breathe and reflect. I...
The Dreaded "T" Word
If you'd asked me a couple months ago if I'd miss going to therapy I would have laughed in your face. A couple months ago, I was begging and pleading...
The Dreaded "T" Word
If you'd asked me a couple months ago if I'd miss going to therapy I would have laughed in your face. A couple months ago, I was begging and pleading...
It's Okay if all You did Today was Survive
This week I've been surviving, and I'm okay with that. I've gotten out of bed everyday with my husband. Okay, maybe one day I slacked and needed to cocoon myself under...
It's Okay if all You did Today was Survive
This week I've been surviving, and I'm okay with that. I've gotten out of bed everyday with my husband. Okay, maybe one day I slacked and needed to cocoon myself under...
The Anatomy of a Panic Attack
Your throat closes up and your chest tightens as you gulp and pant for oxygen. Your body gets hot and sweaty, but you shiver like you are ice cold. Your vision...
The Anatomy of a Panic Attack
Your throat closes up and your chest tightens as you gulp and pant for oxygen. Your body gets hot and sweaty, but you shiver like you are ice cold. Your vision...
Not Your Grandma's Hobby
I love the look on people's faces when I tell them my new career is embroidery. It's a very quizzical look and I typically follow with, "I know it sounds...
Not Your Grandma's Hobby
I love the look on people's faces when I tell them my new career is embroidery. It's a very quizzical look and I typically follow with, "I know it sounds...
The Big Change
Well, holy shit, I've taken the plunge. I quit my corporate, stable, comfortable paycheck and benefits job yesterday. Part of me is scared shitless and part of me feels an...
The Big Change
Well, holy shit, I've taken the plunge. I quit my corporate, stable, comfortable paycheck and benefits job yesterday. Part of me is scared shitless and part of me feels an...