I am obsessed with my two dogs, which is why I started stitching pet portraits. I wish I could meet all your darling pets, but since I can't, I need good photos to stitch them at their best.
What makes a good photo:
- Natural lighting out of direct sunlight. Take your pet outside or next to a window in your house when taking their photo. Find a shady spot to avoid sun shadows on their face.
- Eye contact. Take the photo at their eye level rather than looking down on them. Use treats, toys, goofy words, or whatever gets them to look at you. One of my dogs is stubborn about looking at the camera, but when I talk in a silly voice he looks at me with the most adorable head tilt.
- Focus on their face. I only stitch their head and neck, so the photo shouldn't include their full body. The more detail in the photo of their facial features the better their portrait will be.
I can't wait to see photos of your fur babies and get to stitch them!